Hannah Nel
While I have always particularly loved biology and science, it has not necessarily been more enjoyable than other subjects. I also loved art and languages. I chose a more scientific academic career because it is so versatile and suits my personality best. My mother played a part in this decision by always encouraging us to question things and look into how they work. Both my mathematics and science teachers also motivated me to work hard and enjoy the subject matter.
My high school, Witteberg Secondary School, had about 650 pupils and is situated in Bethlehem,Free State, which is a reasonably large town. I was lucky to have extremely dedicated teachers and amazing friends.
It was between a career in science or one in art. Since I do not have the needed temperament to study art, I chose science.
Start working at the beginning of the year, do not leave it for the last minute.
I participated in an exchange program and visited Germany for three months in Gr10. During this time I missed some key concepts, especially in mathematics. The only thing I could do to fix this was to put in the time and effort when I came back.
I grew up in a home where my parents believed our schoolwork was our own responsibility, so I have never really relied on others to motivate or inspire me to work. Since I found the work/subject matter interesting, it is what I chose to pursue.
I will probably still be at university, working on a further qualification. I haven’t really decided yet!
Start soon enough so that you have all the necessary documentation handed in on time. Also keep your options open by applying at more than one institution.
S.E.T. for socio-economic growth
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