Olebogang Mncwabe is studying Biological Science
I think people have a problem with mathematics and science because of their attitudes towards those subjects. Many already assume that they will never be able to do well in them and hence they don’t. I think high school teachers have to portray maths and science in a positive light. They should be encouraging everyone to do their best and also have extra classes for everyone because practice does make perfect.
I enjoyed maths and science because they allowed me to think, it did not involve cramming. I had to practice until I mastered each and every concept.
I chose to study medicine because I love people and helping them. I believe that each person has their own purpose in the world and my purpose is to serve people.
My message to South African youth would be find what you love and do it.
Grade 11s should work hard on their final exams because they are going to use that report to apply for university.
Grade 12s should apply to as many universities as possible, at least four, and also apply for bursaries because no matter how good your marks are, no one is going to chase you to give you a bursary.
Ten years from now, I’m hoping to be a medical doctor and still be studying to specialise in a specific field in medicine.
What makes an achiever is perseverance. Many downfalls and disappointments come your way, but your ability to keep going makes you an achiever.
S.E.T. for socio-economic growth
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