Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) Award
The 2018/2019 NSTF-South32 for Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) Award was won by Eskom Expo for Young Scientists.The NGO Award is for any non-governmental organisation which has made an outstanding contribution to science, engineering and technology (SET) and innovation in South Africa over the last five to 10 years.
The Eskom Expo is a science fair that gives students a chance to show others their projects about their own scientific investigations. It creates excitement for science through research-based projects and encourages more students to take up science-oriented subjects and careers. Eskom Expo walked away with this award due to its commitment to providing promising young scientists with opportunities to develop their passion for the sciences, while enhancing their depth of knowledge.
Eskom Expo Executive Director Parthy Chetty says this ground-breaking Expo that was started 40 years ago in Pretoria by the late Dr Derek Gray, has rapidly mushroomed into the largest science fair in the country and now on the continent. “Universities across the country are now seeking out Expo participants to groom them into researchers and engineers for our country,” says Chetty.
S.E.T. for socio-economic growth
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