Individual Researchers & Related Activities Awards
Four Awards for individuals for various fields of activity relating to research and its outputs. These are all made to individuals based in South Africa (SA), and who are South Africans or permanent residents. The individual must have made an outstanding contribution to science, engineering and technology (SET) in South Africa in any field of activity relating to research and its outputs. This could include related SET and innovation management activities necessary for the successful development and diffusion of new or improved products/services.
In most cases the period of research would commence with the attainment of a PhD but can also be considered to have started with the research towards that degree.
Completion of a PhD degree is however not of itself a pre-requisite for a nomination for these awards, but is intended to provide a benchmark for the assessment. Should there be extraordinary circumstances in the assessment of the appropriate period, the form provides for a suitable motivation in this regard to be provided.
over a lifetime – 15 years or more
Kambule-NSTF Award: Researcher – contribution through research
and its outputs over a period from 6 years up to 15 years of research work from
the commencement of the research career, predominantly in SA
c. TW Kambule-NSTF Awards: Emerging Researchers – contribution through research and its outputs over a period of up to 6 years of research work from the commencement of the research career, predominantly in SA,
d. Contribution through management of SET and innovation and related activities – over the last 5-10 years
There are no special criteria.
However particularly under a) Lifetime Award or b) Researcher Award, it is
possible that the career covers different parcels of work/projects or
occupations or themes. It is suggested that in this case the career be
segmented into relevant periods or themes and that each period or theme be
dealt with under each criterion albeit in some cases in lesser detail or not at
The Management Award is for a contribution through management of SET and innovation and related SET activities over the last 5-10 years.
The award is made for a contribution to SET and innovation through management activities other than the research itself. It includes all other contributions that are often necessary for the successful development and diffusion of new or improved products, processes or services such as:
NSTF-South32 Awards
The NSTF supports the principle of collaborative, widely-inclusive awards and welcomes collaboration with members and other organisations interested, such as the following:
S.E.T. for socio-economic growth
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