
National Science and Technology Forum (NSTF)

The NSTF Share ‘n Dare programme 

The NSTF Share ‘n Dare programme was started as part of the NSTF Awards. It provides a platform for NSTF Award winners to act as role models and ambassadors for science, engineering, technology (SET) and innovation. The winners share knowledge with youth and communities, inspiring young people to pursue studies and careers in SET and innovation. This programme annually starts after the awards ceremony. Visit the Winners pages

Aims of the Share ‘n Dare programme

  • To promote SET among students at tertiary institutions and among high school learners visiting science centres in South Africa
  • To enhance the knowledge of communities and increase public understanding
  • To clarify award winners’ fields of expertise among students and learners
  • To highlight career opportunities in SET to students and learners and to provide them with SET role models

Why does it exist?

This project is inspired by literature highlighting the decreasing interest among learners worldwide in studying science and technology disciplines. Share ‘n Dare is based on the concept of Community Informatics – where ICT is used to build communities. Research is conducted on the Share ‘n Dare programme on an ongoing basis. It is based on audience surveys when the NSTF Awards winners present. The research also evaluates the convergence of ICTs for community informatics. An annual report is compiled with the results.

How the name came about

The NSTF calls the programme ‘Share ’n Dare’ as the award winners share their knowledge and experiences, and dare young people to follow in their footsteps. It focuses on creating awareness of the importance of SET among students and high school learners to encourage scientists and engineers of the future. Award winners are invited to participate in a range of knowledge-sharing activities, bringing them in direct contact with thousands of students and learners. There are also further knowledge transfer opportunities, such as ICT, the internet and radio,that have the potential to reach millions.

What happens at a Share ‘n Dare face-to-face session?

Award winners typically share their personal life story of what sparked their interest, how they planned their journey to study and their career. These stories are excellent real-life examples of how one’s life and career can progress to eventually becoming a successful scientist, engineer etc.

The importance of role models

In the words of the Minister of Science and Technology, Ms Naledi Pandor, in her keynote address at the 2014/2015 NSTF Awards gala dinner: “…the prevalence of role models in any society is absolutely crucial in guiding young people towards careers in science…”

Would you like your institution to have a Share ‘n Dare talk?

NSTF Awards winners speak to grade 9 to 12 learners and first year university students. They share their experiences, knowledge and career information. If you would like to host an NSTF Awards winner, contact the NSTF office. The NSTF will take care of the logistical arrangements with the hosting organisation and the award winner. The NSTF also provides a modest budget for the winner to travel to the venue.

NSTF Share ‘n Dare programme


The NSTF welcomes collaboration with other organisations, such as those they have been in
partnerships with for many years:

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