
National Science and Technology Forum (NSTF)

Engineering Research Capacity Development Awards

About the Award

The individuals must have demonstrated outstanding leadership in increasing the participation of young engineers and technologists in further research in their chosen science, engineering and technology (SET) fields, over the past 5-10 years.

These awards are made to individuals based in South Africa (SA), regardless of nationality or citizenship.

Awards for engineering research capacity development over the last 5-10 years

The purpose of this category is to recognise:

  • individuals who have trained and guided significant numbers of diverse post-graduate students to the completion of both master’s, as well as doctoral studies in engineering fields at the department or school at a South African University


  • individuals or teams who have impacted on the climate of a department or school to significantly increase the diversity of students completing both master’s and doctoral studies in engineering fields at the department or school at a South African University


  • individuals or teams who have achieved a significant growth in throughput at graduate level which has in turn contributed to a growth in postgraduate throughput of the associated department or faculty. This can also be reflected in the development of a new course, a new subject area, a new department, or a new faculty or the rejuvenation of an existing area, department or faculty. The attainment of recognition by accreditation authorities can be considered as a measure of success amongst others and should be reported where applicable.
  • The number of South African post-graduate students trained who have completed their studies
  • The impact of leadership on the climate of a department or school to significantly increase the diversity of students completing both master’s and doctoral studies
  • Assistance provided to students to present and publish research work
  • Supervising and refereeing of dissertations
  • Provision of mentorship, support and the development of essential skills in the world of business and work
  • Continued interest shown in the individuals’ professional advancement
  • Where applicable the growth of numbers of graduates in relevant groups
  • The situation as regards accreditation of the degrees by accreditation authorities

NSTF-South32 Awards


The NSTF supports the principle of collaborative, widely-inclusive awards and welcomes collaboration with members and other organisations interested, such as the following:

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