Communication Award
The award recognises a communicator who has made an outstanding contribution to science, engineering and technology (SET) through a substantial impact in terms of outreach and creating public awareness of SET within the last 5 years. Experience has shown that nominations come from two broad groups of people:
However, the responses to the criteria in the motivation could be different and the Adjudication Panel will be sensitive to that. A leaning towards professional science communicators will apply.
The award is open to anyone who, during the past five years:
Entries may include communicating on the life sciences, physical and social sciences, engineering and mathematics, as well as policy, health and environmental issues related to science and technology.
Aims:Â The award is intended to encourage the promotion of science and technology through conventional and/or innovative means, in order to:
Method and quality of delivery: The communicator must use innovative and diverse but appropriate approaches in his or her communication to public audiences. The award-winning communicator/researcher’s work should promote knowledge and an understanding of controversial or complex issues. The communicator’s approach must be accessible, innovative, objective, responsible and scientifically correct.
Reach of communication: The reach of the nominee’s public communication should be demonstrable. The communication should preferably include diverse audiences.
To include with the nomination form: A portfolio of communication interventions and products. This should incorporate:
NSTF-South32 Awards
The NSTF supports the principle of collaborative, widely-inclusive awards and welcomes collaboration with members and other organisations interested, such as the following:
S.E.T. for socio-economic growth
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